Alcohol Addiction Treatment for Men
Our Unique Approach
Alcohol Addiction Care Built Around You
Next Step has a model you won’t find in any other addiction treatment program. We offer individualized case management that includes clinical therapies, peer support, and more. We meet you where you are then help guide you according to your needs.
As you progress through our program, so does your care. This is one of the main reasons for our success. Your alcohol addiction care should be tailored to fit your individual needs, then re-tailored as those needs change. This is how you make consistent progress.
Long-Term Alcohol Treatment
How We Help Simplify the Recovery Process
Extended care helps make sobriety sustainable.
For many men in recovery, rehab alone is not enough.
After years of substance abuse, you need more than 30 days of addiction treatment to make lasting change.
Next Step includes an open-door policy, medically assisted treatment, adventure therapy program, and other features that few other programs can offer. If you’re looking for a post-detox residential program for alcohol addiction,
Individual Case Management
Take the loneliness out of recovery. Instead, embark on a journey with other men like yourself. Support each other as you reclaim lives of meaning and fulfillment. Establish healthy routines, relationship patterns, and get the clinical care you need.
Medically Assisted Therapy
Returning to everyday life after detox is never a picnic. Get a jump start on your next chapter with our help. Asheville is a great place to work or go to school. Take your next step back to independence and begin building a life you're proud of.
Alcoholism: Everything You Need to Know About Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction gets easier to cope with once you’ve embraced help. When you’re trying to stop drinking, you might find that it’s harder than you think. As a chronic disease,
Alcohol Addiction FAQs
How to Beat Alcohol Addiction
Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey.
Extended care supports you along that journey,
At NSR of Asheville, we integrate clinical addiction therapy with a residential model that allows us to provide superior long-term care. Ultimately, your story is in your hands. But we’re here to help you write the best one you can. Everyday, we’ll be here to take the next step along the path of sobriety with you.
As we say:
“Recovery is the Real Adventure.”
Extended care gives that adventure the time it requires.
What Is Alcohol Abuse?
Alcohol abuse can be just a single time of consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. However, this term can also describe more frequent overuse as a sign of addiction.
It doesn’t guarantee that you’re addicted, but does play a big role in forming a dependency on alcohol. Since abuse of alcoholic drinks can seem normal socially, we work to establish an honest view of alcohol use at Next Step.
What Causes Alcoholism?
Alcoholism is an addiction that appears as alcohol abuse and dependency. In a simple sense, you are teaching your body to demand alcohol to function normally. We help you find out why.
Like most substance abuse, alcohol use is only a symptom of deeper disease. Co-occurring disorders add another complex layer to this picture. Next Step works with you to unpack all your burdens for sustainable sobriety.
How Is Alcohol Addiction Treated?
Alcohol addiction treatment doesn’t have to be faced alone. With professional addiction care, you can navigate the currents of recovery into a truly sober life.
The best alcohol recovery treatments confront your addiction from multiple angles. Some treatments focus only on part of your health. True change comes when your physical, mental, and social wellness are reformed at the same time.
Where Can You Find Alcohol Treatment?
Rehabilitation centers for alcohol care are a popular choice in addiction care. No one place treats alcohol addiction the same, and the strength of your recovery may vary as a result.
Reliable addiction programs bring medical, mental health, residential, and community-building into one program. Lasting change comes when your care program gives you the time and individual attention you need to tackle years of damage.
Why Next Step Alcohol Addiction Care?
Next Step takes the time to deliver one of the best Men’s alcohol recovery programs in Asheville. After a decade of men’s recoveries, we know a little more attention goes a long way.
Addiction is a lifelong disease that hides many painful roots under substance abuse. You need a space to unload everything that tethers you to alcoholism. At Next Step, we unite you with others facing men-specific issues to help you find lasting peace.
What They Say About Us
J.C., Beloved Client
B.D., Beloved Resident
T.A., Beloved Resident
Z.A., Beloved Resident
Z.B., Beloved Client
M.R.K., Beloved Resident
K.W., Family Member
Making Sobriety Sustainable
Equipping You with the Tools to Beat Alcoholism
[life skills]We’ve built a program out of clinically proven methods. We know that what we do works. It’s worked for 100s of young men to date. But that doesn’t mean we take a cookie-cutter approach. On the contrary, we’re big on individual case management.
[Fun]Responding to the needs of our residents is a major part of what we do. It’s one of the biggest keys to our success. We match you with the right therapies, at the right times. At NSR of Asheville, our residents receive customized care that evolves as they do.
Clinical Addiction Therapies for Sustainable Recovery
12 Steps
12 Steps Program
Dual Diagnosis
Co-Occurring Disorders
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Adventure Therapy
Adventure Therapy
Meditation, Yoga, & BJJ
Equine Assisted Therapy
Start Your Recovery Adventure Today
Recovery is the Real Adventure. Embrace the journey with other young men on the same path. Lean on NSR of Asheville as your support network while you work toward sustainable sobriety. You don’t have to make the climb back to a life of meaning by yourself, but you do have to start. Take the next step toward your future today.